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Important information about procedures for opening a new account. To help the government fight the funding of terrorism and money laundering activities, EU as well as US laws require all financial institutions to obtain, verify, and record information that identified each person who opens an account.


As is evidenced by the execution of this Authorization by or on behalf of the merchant named above who is seeking to be approved as an internet sales merchant (hereafter referred to as “the Merchant”: the Merchant hereby irrevocably authorizes

  1. verify the authenticity and/or accuracy of all and any documents and/or information provided by the Merchant in response to all and any:

    1. questions contained in; and/or

    2. comprising the contractual documents completed and exhibits accompanying the application by the Merchant to be approved as internet sales merchant; and

  2. use all and any personal or otherwise confidential and/pr sensitive information that is provided by the Merchant to obtain from authorized and reputable credit reporting agencies, among other things, credit reports upon and in respect of the Merchant.


As is also evidenced by the execution of this Authorization by or on behalf of the Merchant, the Merchant hereby irrevocably acknowledges that:

  1. verifying the authenticity and/or accuracy of all and any documents and/or information provided by the Merchant and obtaining credit reports upon and in respect of the Merchant may require the intervention of third parties to whom otherwise confidential and/or sensitive information must be released; and

  2. the results of all and any investigations and/or enquiries undertaken with at all times be and remains the sole and absolute property of the processor.


As is evidenced by its execution of this Authorization, we hereby irrevocably acknowledge that:

  1. all and any materials provided by or on behalf of the Merchant from time to time; and

  2. without limiting the generality of clause 5 of this Authorization, the documents and/or information provided by the Merchant and as is referred to in clauses 1 and 2 of this Authorization,
    may be proprietary and/or business sensitive documents and/or information and agrees and undertakes that it will at all ties keep, maintain and retain such documents and/or information in strictest confidence and in a secure environment unless it releases that information:

  3. pursuant to the prior written consent of the Merchant; or

  4. as may otherwise be required by law; and


The person authorized by the Merchant to sign this Authorization warrants that each of:

  1. the principal owners of the Merchant (who collectively between them, have the majority voting control over and in respect of the Merchant); and

  2. the Chief Executive Officer; or

  3. the Managing Director of the Merchant have reviewed:

  4. all and any materials provided by the Merchant from time to time; and

  5. without limiting the generality of clause 12 of this Authorization, the documents and/or information provided by the Merchant and is referred to in clauses 1 and 2 of this Authorization,

and have found no misleading, deceptive, irrelevant, inaccurate or erroneous information contained herein and gives the above warranty in respect of all and any:

  1. pages submitted; and

  2. oral statements made

and attest to the integrity and accuracy thereof to the best of his/her knowledge and belief as at the date of his/her signature of this Authorization.



BPS Network Holding is a group of companies worldwide, including USA, Dubai, Malaysia, China, EU and India. The EU-based Global Fintech Specializes in transactions supporting Credit Card Processing, Payment Gateway, Virtual Cards, Virtual Terminals, Chargeback Management, Iban, Card Issuing, and Wallet Services.
Beekash Works with clients to generate growth in Their business ventures and Maximize Profitability. We work as an ISO for many bank partners.
Beekash and Mbeepay Are Trademarks of Beekash Payment  System - BPS Network  - All Rights Reserved

Beekash ISO Certificate IN97641E
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BPS Network Holdings Ltd / BeeKash Payment System sro/

6 Hitsaajankatu, Helsinki, Finland 00810

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